Additional products have been added to CryoTEMPO-EOLIS Baseline 2, increasing global coverage and adding to the range of available gridded data.
The following RGI regions have been added to the CryoTEMPO-EOLIS point product coverage:
- RGI-02: Western Canada &US
- RGI-08: Scandinavia
- RGI-11: Central Europe
- RGI-16: Low Latitudes
- RGI-18: New Zealand
The new regions are available from December 2023 onwards, and can be downloaded by following the instructions outlined here: Point Product

The following RGI regions have been added to the CryoTEMPO-EOLIS gridded product coverage:
- RGI-01: Alaska
- RGI-03: Arctic Canada North
- RGI-04: Arctic Canada South
- RGI-05: Greenland Periphery
- RGI-09: Russian Arctic
- RGI-17: Southern Andes
- RGI-19: Antarctic Periphery (Subantarctic and Antarctic Islands)
In addition, the coverage of the CryoTEMPO-EOLIS products for Iceland and Svalbard has been extended, and these products now cover the full regions as defined by RGI 7.0.
The new gridded regions are available from November 2023 onwards, and can be downloaded by following the instructions outlined here: Gridded Product.