Time Series Tool Integrated into the CS2EO Data Access Platform
Time Series of the CryoTEMPO EOLIS baseline 2 gridded product can now be quickly generated and downloaded for each covered region. Try the new service at https://cs2eo.org/timeseries now!

CryoTEMPO EOLIS Product Information
Further details of improvements to the CryoTEMPO-EOLIS products can be found in the CryoTEMPO-EOLIS Product Handbook and Algorithm Technical Baseline Document.
Time Series Tool: https://cs2eo.org/timeseries
Dataset available here: ftp://science-pds.cryosat.esa.int/
EOLIS website: https://www.cryotempo-eolis.org
Earthwave: https://www.earthwave.co.uk
University of Edinburgh: https://www.ed.ac.uk
isardSat: https://www.isardsat.space